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New Members Inducted

The addition of new members to a Rotary Club is always such joy because it signifies growth. Our club has had the pleasure of growing by 6 members since the Rotary year 2021-22 began in July. This past Monday saw the induction of the latter 4, bringing our member tally to 35. The induction was presided over by IPDG Patrick Obath. The vibrancy of our club and it’s community reach is totally dependant on members who contribute and volunteer their time, skills and resources to ensure giving of ourselves to service that is above self. This creates positive and lasting change in the communities that Rotary serves worldwide. It all requires a high level of commitment and dedication. Overall, this commitment inevitably pours into other areas of our individual lives, allowing for a well -rounded rotarian.
Karibuni sana Oscar, Esther, Michael and Lisa! We’re proud you’re a part of RC Gachie!

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