Sponsor a Partipant

For KSh 1,250 you can sponsor a future leader

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Sponsor A Participant

Hello everyone,

As you may already know, one of our Rotarians, Rtn. Annah works with disadvantaged youth in Nairobi. It brings her immense joy to see these young people transform into high-capacity leaders in their communities and families.

However; we need your help in supporting their growth as they break poverty cycles.

To do so, we are organizing an event on Friday, 14th July aimed at inspiring and connecting them with organizations that can further develop their entrepreneurship skills or improve their employability.

We aim to host 500 youths, and it costs KSh 1,250 to host one young person.

We are reaching out to you to seek your support in achieving this goal.

By sponsoring one (or more) young people, you can make a significant impact in their lives and help make this event a success. Any amount will be highly appreciated.

Please follow this M-Changa link with giving details to make a donation.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity in supporting this cause.

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