Centenary Project

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There is so much buzz about centenary this year but do we know what it means?

A centenary is the hundredth anniversary of some event. This RY24/25 marks 100 years since rotary has been in existence.

It is such a buzz because we are proud of the milestones this charity organisation has had since then. Some of those include, Having women join rotary which was not the case when it first began, we have rotary clubs in Africa which is also a plus because we get to experience the culture of giving and when we get to improve our communities, we are fulfilled. A lot has happened for the rotary organisation to be where it currently is.

My club ( RC Gachie) is collaborating with Rc Isiolo and Mama Alice’s children to host a medical camp in Isiolo Kambi ya Juu near Methodist church. We hope to give 300 locals general/routine check up by volunteer doctors, Pharmacists, dentists and nurses and offer simple medication like pain killers as well as write referral letters for those that may need further diagnosis.

We are requesting for your support in 3 different ways

  1. Supporting us with resources (money, medicine or consumables) for use on the material day
  2. Volunteers in both medical fields and transport sectors to help handle the 300 locals with the required care they need
  3. Participation by joining us on the material day.

Your support will mean the world to us and to the community of Isiolo. Posters on where to submit your donations are attached and below is a link to enroll as a volunteer.


To get further information, Kindly contact our Projects Director on

Sharon Kechula

0729 756 139


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