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The RC Gachie Board of Directors for the Rotary Year 2021/22 Installation
The 3rd of July witnessed the coming together of family & friends of the the Rotary Club of Gachie as we installed our new President, Gary Ananda and his Board of Directors for the Rotary Year 2021/22. The Trademark Hotel’s ballroom came alive with pomp and excitement, a reflection of everyone’s mood as those present looked elegant clad in all white outfits – the installation party’s theme colour.
Our party sponsors William Grant & Sons came through with the drinks for the evening. Some top notch Glenfiddich Whiskey and the premium Hendrix Gin were up for grabs, not forgetting the talented mixologists present did the most, conjuring up cocktails that added spice to the evening and smiles were aplenty.
The Guest Speaker, PDG Eric Kimani in his ever eloquent and witty speeches reminded us our purpose for joining Rotary and what it means to be a true rotarian – practising truthfulness, fairness & extending goodwill, all applied in our day to day lives and in our club activities.
In the midst of it all we celebrated the Rotary Year that was. Moving forward is impossible without looking back at the achievements, some hurdles and the milestones we have collected. Against all odds, the Rotary Club of Gachie continues to touch lives and create memories, giving ourselves to the community all the while catching breaks in between to have some fun!
As the club welcomed another Rotary Year, we reflected on Martin Luther King Jnr’s words… “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are You doing for others?”
Under the new board’s leadership, we look forward to more fun in service, growth and a greater impact in our community.

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