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AG/IPP Gary Ananda was our fourth and fifth president in the Rotary Club of Gachie(Gashye) the dancing club. We had so many achievements under his leadership one of them being the mega Global Grant majoring in Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WaSH) in Nyamira, Bomet and Kisii counties. The project was to improve sanitation in the ablution blocks, provide clean water stations, hand washing points, rainwater harvesting and menstrual hygiene management for girls in schools and health centers.

The success of this project and similar ones we have done in Kiambaa county did not go unnoticed. Therefore, our Immediate past president (IPP) and now Assistant Governor (AG) has a new role in the district as the District WaSH Chair and we are so excited to share the news with all of you. We are so proud of you AG Gary, and may you continue to excel in all you do.

Congratulations and continue to raise our flag high in all the rooms you get a privilege to sit in. Upwards and onwards always.


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