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RC Gachie visit Mangu’s elderly residents


4th of September, on a cold Saturday morning, members & friends of RC Gachie visited Mangu in Gatundu North to deliver foodstuffs, blankets and adult diapers to 57 elderly and vulnerable people living in this area.

Mangu location of Gatundu North Sub County has 1729 elderly residents over 65 years old

according to the 2019 national census. However, for this particular project, The Gachie Rotary Club visited Gatukuyu Sub location, which has approximately 720 older residents over 65 years.

The principal source of income for this area used to be coffee farming but the coffee

farms have since gone under and some turned into high-rise residential areas, rendering these elderly citizens jobless and dependent on caregivers and well wishers.

Amidst singing and thanksgiving, each beneficiary received their donation with a warm heart and a happy face, the little things that add joy in Rotary and make every action all the more worthwhile. Also part of our acts of service was planting fruit & indigenous trees at Kawira Primary School, who allowed us to converge at their grounds. Special thanks go to Dr. Stanley Kamau of Ahadi Kenya Trust for his generous donation of dry food stuff.

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