We’ve Been Nominated

We’ve Been Nominated

Out of the 5 categories, our club got nominated in 3. Though we didn’t win anything, it’s a step in the right direction. Hearty clap to us all.
New Members Inducted

New Members Inducted

The addition of new members to a Rotary Club is always such joy because it signifies growth. Our club has had the pleasure of growing by 6 members since the Rotary year 2021-22 began in…
The Paint Party

The Paint Party

Literacy is one of the most empowering gifts you can give to a community. This past Saturday, RC Gachie⁩ together with a team of volunteers from William Grants & Sons engaged in the careful and…
Rotaract club of Gachie IF visit

Rotaract club of Gachie IF visit

On the 11th of September 2021, our rotaractors from the Rotaract club of Gachie In-Formation supported by the mother club came together to share some love with the children of Hope of the Homeless in…
RC Gachie visit Mangu’s elderly residents

RC Gachie visit Mangu’s elderly residents

CARING IS SHARING… 4th of September, on a cold Saturday morning, members & friends of RC Gachie visited Mangu in Gatundu North to deliver foodstuffs, blankets and adult diapers to 57 elderly and vulnerable people…
Rotary Club of Gachie Global Grant-Kisii Project

Rotary Club of Gachie Global Grant-Kisii Project

When Kenyans were visited by a guest called Covid 19 in March 2020, who knew that this guest would completely ignore the wishes of its host and continue to stay put?  Shamelessly, during its self-imposed…
The RC Gachie Board of Directors for the Rotary Year 2021/22 Installation

The RC Gachie Board of Directors for the Rotary Year 2021/22 Installation

The 3rd of July witnessed the coming together of family & friends of the the Rotary Club of Gachie as we installed our new President, Gary Ananda and his Board of Directors for the Rotary…